"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

The September 7 Reagan Library Republican Debate

Day 17 of 1000

Kelly and I stayed up late to listen to the Republican debate at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California.  The biggest losers in the debate were Politico, MSNBC, and the debate moderators.  There was not even a pretense of balance in the questions they asked.  Newt Gingrich made great use of that fact.  It would be great to be able to vote for a guy like that:  smart, experienced, able to make and complete a solid plan.  The problem is that the choices he has made in his personal life and even some of his associations (the ad he made with Nancy Pelosi on climate change) make him untrustworthy in the eyes of too many people, including me.  The Ricks, Santorum and Perry were solid but not stellar.  I think Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann  are done.  I love them both, but they just do not come off as presidential.  Ron Paul, as usual, said crazy things mixed with a couple of nuggets worth keeping–mostly having to do with getting the government out of our lives.  He should not be there.

The legacy media favorites, Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman continue to look like snake oil salesmen.  For the life of me, I cannot figure out why any conservative would vote for either of them.  Romney has held positions that are for abortion, special rights for homosexuals, and individual mandates for health insurance.  Many believe he gets way more credit than he should for the Salt Lake City Olympics having arrived after all the heavy lifting was done.  Huntsman’s record is actually more solid than Romney’s, but he worked for Obama and is absolutely looney-tunes on climate change and evolution.  I do not trust either of them.

Right now, I am a Rick Perry guy.  I might switch to Palin if she jumps in, but even if she does, it would take something special to get me to switch from Perry.


Victor Davis Hanson vs. John Derbyshire


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  1. Eric

    You make no mention of Ron Paul or Michelle Bachman … what about them?

  2. Dad

    I feel really bad, about not talking about Bachmann. As for Ron Paul, I just put up my thoughts on the sane and (relatively) moral people at this debate.

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