Yesterday, our friend Jeff came over and we played with our new little Arduino Duemilanove microcontroller board. It is very cool. It has all the things one needs to make all kinds of cool robotic projects. With the cat tower not complete, volcano computer project on hold, and the ham project waiting for winter debugging, Christian and I have been talking about what we should do next. We want to build a robotic “something” that hold some appeal for Lorena and Kelly, too. The leading candidate is a throwback to something we had in Albany. We had a half, wooden barrel filled with water to hold goldfish on the back patio. We were thinking of a three tier version of the same with a webcam to monitor water height (like GaugeCam) and look at our fish via the internet, and a temperature monitor, some pumps, tubes, and levers, and other stuff controlled by the Deumilanove to move the water around in fun ways. We do not know what we want to call it yet, but we think that might be something we would all enjoy. The cats, in particular, might enjoy it too much, so that is why we would want to keep the fish outside.
Would these be DECORATIVE cameras?