One of the best days of my life was when Christian was born. He continues to be a gift that keeps on giving. It is hard to describe what has done, what he is doing, and who he has become. It is not necessarily talent and intelligence that got him to where he is, but attitude and work ethic. A book came out when Christian was 12 years old about doing hard things. I suppose the premise of the book was not so bad, but it did not seem like the two guys that wrote it had done anything that was truly hard. It was more about pushing an agenda, bragging about things just about anyone with a modicum of ability could do, and building a platform to pontificate. Christian actually DID hard things and he did them quietly in a way that contributed rather than sought self-aggrandization. He still operates that way. Few really knows the effort that was required to get to where he is and do what he does.

I am proud he is my son.