A brief update of Quality Corners is probably in order in that there is not much going on right now in the Chapman household other than waiting for Grandpa Lauro, Grandma Conchita, and Cousin Hectorin to show up. The kids are swimming, reading, writing, doing artsy kinds of things and generally just playing this summer. The only thing with any level of rigor is cleaning the bonus room and doing their fifteen minutes per day on Mavis Beacon Typing Tutor.

Quality Corners has been heating up a little. Really our sales have dropped off some, but we have been developing equipment to make corners more efficiently and to make different kinds of corners — ones without legs and 1-1/2 inch radius corners. Now that we have some additional capacity, we need to kick our sales into high gear. We can make rosettes and plinth blocks much more efficiently now so we think we can win some new business with them. In addition, we are continually improving our corner manufacturing.

Our biggest issue right now is finding a way to prevent Ron from having to work so hard. To do that, we are going to drop some product lines and get someone trained for supervision. After that, we need to put processes in place to make the manufacturing flow more efficient. Finally, and most importantly in the long run, we need to drive up sales. If we can double our sales or even a little more than double sales, we will be making super profits and the business will be to the point where we canget what we want out of it.