We had a couple of big events yesterday. Probably the most important was that Kelly, Christian, and I went out and played catch for awhile together with a baseball and some mitts. I really need to teach them how to play baseball. Maybe we can get them both on a team next summer. Right before we went to bed, we listened to about a half an hour of The Hobbit. We are enjoying that VERY much.

Right in the middle of our playing, Ron called to tell me he almost had our new round corner shaping machine up and running. In talking he mentioned that with the exception of the mortgage on our building, we are debt free at Quality Corners. WOW! That is really a big deal. The other good part is that we have enough operating capital to not have to tap back into the line of credit.

We really have a growth path to take us to quite an amazing little company if we can just keep going like we are now. We need to add an office to our building, add a blower system to the factory, pour concrete on the grounds around the factory, and a few other things like that, but we really should be able to self finance that. After that, our main effort needs to be to get our sales about double what they are now and we will be in a position where we can both make money and sell the company at a good price.