he thought of moving to Washington has taken the whole family on a little bit of an emotional roller coaster ride. I guess we probably should reserve judgment until after we return from the interview and our chance to look around a few neighborhoods where I would be working in Kirkland. There are lots of worries associated with this that will take care of themselves if we just have patience. Getting the Albany house sold, finding a decent house close to work that we can afford, making the move, etc. etc…

I looked over the homeschooling regulations in Washington state at the HSLDA web site. It looks like the regulations are somewhat more onerous (and odious) than they are in Oregon. We have to notify the school district every year that we will be homeschooling, we have to give standardized test every year and keep them on record, we have to have a record of our curriculum and progress on file at all times. The thing that is frustrating is that the people who administer this are part of the government school system and probably do not have the best interests of my children as their priority. Beyond that, they probably have a degree in some sort of teacher education which pretty much disqualifies them from knowing how to teach. Such is life.