"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Man of steel

Krispy Kreme
I just wanted everyone to know that I saw this on the counter of the kitchen at work which means it was available to whoever got there first–three quarters of a Krispy Kreme donut. I passed it up. I almost fainted just from the smell of it, but I passed it up. I am really wondering whether life is worth living anymore if I have to give this kind of thing up.


Perfidious anti-Israel bias in the news


Visiting Albany for the first time in seven years


  1. Gene Conrad

    Julie is interested in the FitBit devices – I’m thinking you had one at one point?

  2. Dad

    I have it on my arm right now! It works for me because it allows me to calibrate how much I eat. If I want to eat a little more, but my calories are burned up, I go walk on the treadmill for a couple of mills. Since I am kind of a numbers guy, this method really helps. I “religiously” track everything I eat and all my exercise on their website and the walking gets updated automatically by the fitbit (Charge). I recommend it highly.

  3. Gene Conrad

    Thanks Ken!

  4. Jon

    What kind of fatband are you using? I’m interested!

  5. Dad

    Jon, it is a Fitbit Charge. I LOVE it. The kids got it for me before the new Fitbit Charge HR came out that also gives you your heart rate along with all the other stuff. I might get that one in a year or so if I keep using this one faithfully. All by itself, I do not think the watch would work for me, but the watch combined with the website where I can track my calorie intake and enter the walks I track on my Android phone with the RunTracker app (it has its own run/walk tracker, but I like RunTracker better and I can hand enter stuff into the Fitbit website) has been super in helping me know just how much more I can eat in a given day before I will start gaining weight. It is not perfect, but after using it for a month or so, I know just when I need to quit eating and when I need to get some more exercise. You ought to try it! I have the sense that tracking this kind of thing might give you as much satisfaction as I–you seem to be the kind of guy that likes to keep track of stuff. I am going to get around to writing about this and how I use it on my blog before too long.

  6. Well done. Stay strong. [smile]


  7. Dad

    Thanks Luke. Still waiting to hear what your latest media/web project is going to be. Hope all is well.

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