"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: March 23, 2025

Kelly’s birthday party

The main reason Lorena and I traveled to Washington, D.C. this weekend was to attend a birthday party for Kelly thrown by her amazing friend group. It was an amazing assembly of highly credentialed and connected people of great good will. The amazing part was the goodness of the will rather than the highness of the credentials and connections although that was impressive, too. We left the party at an appropriate time in concert with my advanced age and Lorena’s predilection for smaller groups, but not before we got a chance to talk to many. We were grateful for her friend group before the party based on the little we knew about all but a few of the attendees. We were much more grateful after the party because we saw that Kelly is very much far from being alone and lonely. That has not always been true in her short life. We arrived home with a great sense of gratitude for that new knowledge.

To D.C. and back by train

We just returned from our first train trip from Richmond up Washington, D.C. to visit Kelly and back home. It went swimmingly. We are looking forward to doing it again soon. The next trip, though, is a plane flight up to New York City to visit Christian. So far this is all working out well.

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