I made passing acquaintance one day with a guy named Frank Evans in 1983 at Intelledex, an early machine vision and robotics company in Corvallis, Oregon. He was one of the principal engineers while I was a lowly technical writer and industrial trainer. We have both worked in this field ever since. We have not really worked at the same company together for over twenty years, but we have stayed in touch and I have used him as a contractor in three different companies over long periods of time.

In our current stint, we are coming up on seven years together. He is getting to the end now and continues to work with me, not because he needs the money, but because the work is interesting and the people are of good will. I am getting to that point myself. It has been a good reminder that I have many things for which to be thankful. Sometimes, I do not put my work in that list, but I have to say it has been a gift to be able to do work that I love with people of good will. I honestly believe that comes from God.