"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Year: 2025

Shopping with Lorena

Here is how I go shopping with Lorena. We go to HEB, she walks me to the coffee shop, buys me a coffee and a doughnut, sits me down, and then calls me when she gets through the cash register. Then when we get home she tells me what a great help I am and how much better it is if I go with her. I am glad to be so value added in this way. I wish I could say I did all the heavy-lifting, but that would be a lie.

Starting the New Year right: Huevos rancheros

Lorena made us huevos rancheros with instant Nescafé. We are going to eat a burger at Shake Shack a little later this afternoon.

Spectacular holiday

We had one of the nicest Christmas/New Year holiday this year. It was quiet, but gave a chance for truly quality time with Kelly and Christian over Christmas in Washington, D.C. and with Grandma Conchita and Tío Lynn for the New Year in San Pedro. This picture is from pre-Christmas dinner at Pastis in D.C. We hope to be able to celebrate next year here in Mexico if the kids can come down. God willing, we hope to celebrate Thanksgiving in Texas next year.

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