I finished C.S. Lewis’s Surprised by Joy a couple of days ago. I liked it by it was different than I expected it to be. I do not know why, but after Mere Christianity, I had expected more of a mystical, deeply spiritual and emotional finale, but got what seemed to be a the idea that C.S. Lewis’s conversion was a dispassionate and coldly logical affair. I have no sense that I have the right take on that, but that WAS my take. That being said, there was one specific concept in the book that had to do with prayer and the concept of God–I think it was addressed in two different places, that were hugely impactful and worth the whole read. It was the idea that trying to analyze the nature of one’s conception of God gets in the way of praying to God as a person and focusing on the communication rather an analysis of the conception was what lead to a more fruitful relationship with God and a better prayer life.