We are starting to figure out how to live here in Mexico. It is a lot different now than when Lorena lived her almost 32 years ago. Some of the infrastructure is a lot better than what we have in the states, but some of it is a lot worse. It has been a bigger change to move back into an apartment from a house than from the United States to Mexico–at least this part of Mexico. We are working with Lynn now to make a plan to get the house up on the hill in good enough shape for us to move up there so we can rent out the two (of six) apartments where we currently live. Our goal is to get there a week or two before Thanksgiving so we can be ready for the kids to come here with us. One of the parts that is almost no different is the availability of American chain restaurants–yesterday we ate at Shake Shake for lunch and then took Conchita and Lauro to supper at IHOP last night.