"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: August 17, 2024


Lorena went to Carnicería Ramos with Grandma Conchita and bought 6.919 lbs. of a cut called Chuleton that Lynn says is a super-set of what gringos call ribeye. She paid a little under $38 dollars total for it which comes out to ~$5.38/lb. This is the same as what Lynn grilled up for us last Saturday night. We got a pound more this week than last week and plan to grill it all up tonight to heat up a few times over the week.

First tacos since our arrival

Unbelievably, last night we went to a working man’s outdoor taco place for the first time since we moved down to Mexico. As usual, it was just incredible and we cannot figure out why we did not do this until two weeks after we arrived.

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