Big changes are about to occur in the lives of Lorena and I. God willing, we will be living in Mexico this time next week. Things will be be hectic until we finish the move and have some time to setup our household. The time spent at the Thrive Bioscience corporate meeting was excellent though very manic. The picture above is of the whole team sailing around Salem Harbor. It was a nice event with time to talk about things other than just work. A good number of my colleagues are close to my age and we talked a lot about what we will do as we move toward retirement. It was interesting that our consensus was that we wanted to keep working, at some level, as long as possible. I reflected on that and on all the projects I am doing as I move toward my 70’s on the flight home. I had no huge epiphany in all this, but operationally, it dawned on me that I need to do things that will not require a lot of ongoing maintenance when my projects are complete for very obvious reasons. It also came clear that all the things I read in my Bible in terms of my personal relationship with God, what is required of me at a personally level, and the scope of world events are immutable and good. I can either go along with His will and plan or suffer. Those are the only two options. That the former leads to joy and peace is a hard won truth in my life. What that means at this new stage will become apparent according to His timing and I am good with that.