"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: July 19, 2024

Brooklyn, New York

This is the view from the top of Christian’s apartment building in Brooklyn, New York. Lorena flew in this afternoon to spend the week with him. Kelly is taking the train up from Washington, D.C. for the weekend. I am so sad that I cannot be there, too, but I have a business trip to Boston–that actually should be a phenomenal time with the Thrive Bioscience team. Honestly, it is very exciting to me that the kids have taken their own paths and are living in places that, while I might not have chosen to live, are spectacular, storied places. It is a chaotic time, not only in terms of the lives of our children, but in the world writ large. The kids are doing the best they know to do and, I believe, loving Christ and trying to do what God gives them to do.

This view is from the same location as the first image. My Finnish great grandparents arrived in America and were receive on Ellis Island (the island in the image) in the late 1800’s. This is a powerful image and one that evokes a sense of gratitude in me. God put me at the time and place that was in accord with His plan. And now Christian lives within view of where they arrive. I am humbled before God.

No BSOD on Linux

I have used Linux exclusively at work for seven out of the last eight years and at home for around 15 years now. Xubuntu is my distribution of choice because it is lightweight and uncomplicated. Also, it is a pain in the neck to change distribution although I might be forced into it as there are rumors that Xubuntu will no longer be supported for the long term. I hope they are just rumors. I bring this up because of the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) pandemic that hit Windows computers worldwide. Linux and Mac users are crowing loudly about not getting hit–although if I were a Mac user, I would be too ashamed to admit that to crow about it. I am absolutely a huge Open Source software fan, with a free (as in beer), open source software project for measuring water level with cameras called GaugeCam GRIME2 that I maintain on GitHub. I hope the reason Linux was not hurt by this problem is that is just better because it is Open Source.

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