"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: June 27, 2024

Books and bookshelves

I ordered a used book I have been wanting to get for quite a while by C.S. Lewis that has four of his works. I really bought it because it had a work in it I wanted to read (Surprised by Joy), but also because it looked cool and I though it would look great on the bookshelves we have always wanted but never had that are now planned for our new house, if it is ever built, God willing. There is an inscription from someone who gave the book to another person named Amada. It was a very nice inscription that has inspired me consider gifting this kind of a gift the next time I get the chance. The house is still up in the air, but I think that is mostly because our real estate agent is on vacation in Costa Rica and out of contact.

I am still reading through the fourth volume of Michael Brown’s five volume set titled “Jewish Objections to Christianity so I am pretty sure I will not get the chance to take this book up for at least another couple of months. I am not sure how many books I need to fill up my bookshelves but it is assuredly quite a few more than what I currently have on hand. I am in a reading frame of mind these days and am looking forward to finding more books on History, Science, and Theology as well as some fiction works to read for fun.

Sell, move, build update

We got a text from our real estate agent that said the people who want to buy our house have made an offer that is acceptable to all parties. We were supposed to get to get a document to sign last night, but it has not arrived close to a day later. I kind of understand because our agent is on vacation in Costa Rica. At the same time, Lorena and I have a finite amount of time to get everything done: 1) travel for work, 2) handle finances for address changes in the US and Mexico, 3) move out of the house into storage, and 4) make the final design changes for the new house before we leave. We are really hoping this thing is complete before the weekend, but our agent is completely out of contact.

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