"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: June 14, 2024

Amazing landscape team

Gerardo put some extra lawn in an area of our back yard for erosion management today. He had previously put in the sprinkler system to support the new grass. We were totally humbled by how he did his work. He and and two brothers and their high school aged kids are the people that do the work. We were amazed not only with the quality of the work, but the work ethic and profoundly positive attitude of Gerardo and his team. God willing, if we sell our house, we want to work with him to do the landscaping at our property in Granbury. Lorena wants a water feature and I want low maintenance. We have a lot of confidence Gerardo can give us both.

Artificial intelligence

I would like to know who created this, because I would love to give them credit for saying out loud (well, in an image anyway) what many of us really believe, at least on a day-to-day operational level. It seems like many of the imaging AI/ML people who characterize themselves as experts in Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence when in reality, they know little about Computer Vision other than how to throw pixels at existing high level tools. Maybe it is because I am old, but it is a challenge to sit and listen to drivel about Computer Vision that is really only informed by the ability to use a tool without really understanding the underlying concepts.

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