I think we are getting about three house showings per week on our “for sale” house. It seems like everyone likes the house and thinks the price is just fine, but finds some defect that prevents them from making an offer. That would be great if all the cited defects were the same, because then we could do something about it, but all the cited defects are different, so we do not know what to do. At the same time, it has only been about three weeks now since we put the house on the market. We still feel pretty good about our prospects and we are excited to get started on building the new house so we remain optimistic. It is kind of a hassle to have to vacate the house for a showing and random times, but it is also kind of exciting because we ARE getting viewings. Our worst fear is that we will not be able to sell the house for a year. Our second worse fear is that we will sell it tomorrow and have to get everything move to storage and move to Mexico for six months–not a BAD thing, but one that will require a bunch of work.