The red box in the image marks an area of the ceiling of the main floor of the house that used to be open to the second floor. Lynn is filling that area with a heavily reinforce concrete and Styrofoam placa that will increase the size of the room above. The second image shows the same staircase and placa from the side.
Month: December 2022

Lynn continues to make great progress on the house up on the hill. All of the demolition for the area in the front of the property which is planned for a garage on the bottom floor and the master bedroom (with a balcony toward the street) on the top floor. There is a lot of work in progress inside the house that I will try to report on in a subsequent post.
In the meantime, we commissioned a painting of the Portland Head Lighthouse Christian took us to see on a day trip to Portland, Maine when we visited last summer. Tío Lauro is putting the finishes touches on it now. When it is complete we will have him help us find an appropriate frame and hang it in the house on the hill. We hope to commission two or three more pieces for this property and convince Lauro to come and do some paintings of the views from the house.
Fall semester 2022 is complete. I have one class left to complete all the required coursework need for the PhD. The class I am taking is titled “Likelihood and Bayesian Ecology” and I am very much excited about it. It should not only inform my research at University of Nebraska, but also the work I do in my day job. If I am able to complete the course successfully, all I will have left are 21 research credits, a dissertation, and a dissertation defense. The class is a three week, three credit short course. We meet three hours per day, January 3-5. The hard part is that I need to take three hours per day for the fourteen class days and do all the homework while still managing my day job. Hopefully, I can do one more hard push to get this out of the way.
After the course work, I need to finish my research and write my dissertation. I have all of the data I need to do that now. God willing, I will be able to finish everything and defend my dissertation before my next birthday. Of course, I want to walk the graduation which will be in December, but I will have finished my PhD at the moment the dissertation is successfully defended.