This is the view from the apartments that are almost complete that are four or five blocks down the hill from the second house we bought and hope to remodel for ourselves. We were pretty amazed with the wonderful view. The following images are from inside the house. The unfinished box-looking things up on the walls are areas where mini-split air conditioners will be installed. The idea we have now is to keep the apartments for awhile. There are currently four of them but room for three more. Lynn said he would like to rent those out and let the income from the first floor finance the addition of the final three. We thought that was a great idea and is now our current plan.
Lynn gave Tio Lauro and Grandma Conchita a tour. The first image is of the opening between the two apartments on the second floor. The second is a similar view of the two apartments on the first floor. We were very surprised with how much natural light enters all of the apartments.