"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Month: October 2020

Interesting Interview

I found this interview via Twitter on the Breitbart website. I thought it was excellent and had some random thoughts about it.

  • Matthew McConaughey (MM) seem like a good guy — Christian, married once, lives a very ordered life.
  • I don’t know what the hype is about Joe Rogan. He does do a pretty good interview, letting the interviewee talk, but also interjects his own opinion into the conversation, often detracting from the interview. His opinions, in this case, seemed to be fairly shallow and, even worse, not interesting, at least, to me.
  • The things I liked about what MM had to saw were about how he lives his ordered life. He has kept a journal for 36 years that he reviews at times when he is struggling to see what he was doing in those times when he was happy, to reinforce that behavior. He obviously prays.
  • Much more.

In another context, I heard him say that his mother demanded that he and his brother respect themselves, because that is the only way you can respect other people. All really good stuff. I like the guy.

Fall in Centralia

It is a spectacular fall day in the twin cities. I have not put up a picture for a long time, but could not resist this one.

First academic poster

A poster based on the research we performed for our first article has been accepted for presentation at the American Geological Union (AGU) that was supposed to be in San Francisco in December, but that now will be online. That if a pretty cool deal and we think we have a pretty cool poster (in progress). My adviser, Troy, sent me a note before he went away camping for a long weekend to the effect that poster preparation is not done in the normal way–creation of the poster in LaTeX or PowerPoint, then printing it out in a large format. Because it is an online venue they want everyone to create their posters with online software they provide. I am assuming this is do to their incompetence because it will be a big hassle for everyone and almost certainly decrease the quality of the presentations.

Second paper software

The second draft of the first journal article for my PhD research is complete and out for review. I have moved on to start writing the software for the second article. The first part of that is improvement and refactoring of the old GaugeCam project. I finished the refactoring part and am moving on to the improvements. Click on the image to see a video of what the program does so far. I am having a lot of fun with it. We hope to have the program ready for full use by February or March of 2021. At that point I can start writing the second paper.

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