"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Month: July 2020

First submission

The LaTeX Project logo

Last night I joined the American Geophysical Union so I could submit an abstract for consideration as a presentation at their annual conference. I have no idea whether or not it will be accepted, but it seems like I have finally joined the fray. The conference is not until December and we will not know whether or not our abstract has been accepted until early October. In the meantime, I have a boat load of unorganized data, some graphs and a LaTeX document started with a large and growing bibliography. I cannot believe I am saying this, but I am honestly enjoying the process. We have a great team of authors from three different institutions and momentum for the follow-on paper if this one ever gets accepted. I will keep you posted.

Working with Kiwi

Being stuck in the house for days on end does not seem to bother Kiwi. We get so many things shipped to us now that we used to go to the store to buy that she has a ton more opportunities to sleep in confined places. We have found that the antidote to her trying to sleep on our hands while we are typing is to put a small box close to the computer. She cannot resist. Right now, I am hard at work on an article that, hopefully will make it to a refereed journal and then into my dissertation. It is nice to have a companion in my work, but it is a lot easier when she is not trying to sleep on my hands.

Blasting at the PhD research

Long time since the last post. I am working madly on my PhD research. The above is the results of a machine learning predictor of stream flow calculated from images. I am amazed how much I enjoy this work. There is no money and not glory in it, but it is very interesting. The above is a machine learning prediction graph that will be part of our first journal article.

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