I am currently fighting slovenliness as there is no end in sight to our self-quarantine. All our church meetings (Sunday morning, Wednesday Bible study, and Gospel meeting) have been cancelled. Everyone with whom I work at my day job in Boston works from home whenever they can which usually only leaves one or two people in the home office each day. Even at University of Nebraska, all classes are currently being delivered remotely. The UNL remote class thing might work well for me because it might allow me to take some of the required classes I need online as opposed to the current minimum on-campus component. The picture is my new online meeting, scruffy, work-from-home look. Lorena is in rebellion about this.
Kelly showed me yesterday the university where she works has the oldest epidemiology program in the entire world and they are focused very heavily on helping solve the Coronavirus problem. She does not have any special insights to what they are doing, but she is working near a lot of people who work on it. Maybe she will learn some things as we move through this period of upheaval.
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