I started a new job last week. I flew to Boston to get started with the new company. I had a good number of firsts while I was there–at at Wahlburgers, stayed at a bed and breakfast, flew on JetBlue, and gave a talk at Harvard. I have to admit that the best of all of those was flying on JetBlue. I am a big fan now. The work looks like it is going to be very interesting, but there will be a LOT to do, especially as I get started. The plan is to travel to Boston once per month for a week at a time–maybe a little more than that as I get oriented. This time, I am at a medical device company, but there are really no FDA compliance issues yet, so I will not be hung up in paperwork ninety percent of the time. The problem is a hard one, but it should be fun and interesting, too. I ordered a new computer, a really nice one and everyone has treated me really well. It is a small startup with big ambitions which is exactly the kind of thing I like.
Photo by Derek Thomson on Unsplash
VERY cool picture…..and Congratulations!
Thanks Lois! At this point though, I would rather have Daryl’s job!