Here are a few pictures from Lorena’s recent trip to visit Christian in Tempe. Notice all the clothes neatly ironed, folded, and stacked on Christian’s bed through the door. Lorena is genetically incapable of not putting things in order wherever she is. It is one of her superpowers.
The one on the right shows her dropping Christian off at Cartel Coffee by the Arizona State campus. That and the closest Starbucks are his satellite offices.
The stack of water beside the sofa where Christian is playing the guitar is Lorena’s idea of a half day supply of water for one person in the Arizona summer. That is probably not too far from the truth.Christian continues to take classical guitar lessons from his Spanish instructor. I think it is a good diversion from his studies. He has finished all his classes now so all he has left is his comprehensives which he is scheduled to compete early in the fall and his dissertation. That is a lot, but the end is now in sight. A photo montage of Christian would not be complete if it did not include him reviewing some technical paper so that is why I added the last, after breakfast picture at Butters Pancakes. We are normally an IHOP family, but maybe that was too far away.
Hopefully, I will be able to make it down there myself again before too long. It is a really easy and fairly inexpensive trip to make. The airport is less than a half an hour away and right off the light rail line. Phoenix really is a paradise in the winter and it is easy to run up the hill to Flagstaff or Prescott for heat relief in the summer.
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