"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: May 30, 2018

New new coffee maker

We were very sad that our new coffee maker was defective so we got on line and bought a different one from Walmart.com that arrived today. We can make a carafe or a cup of coffee at a time. The single cup maker allows for K-Cups and for granular coffee. Also, the new coffee maker is shorter so it is easier to pour in the water. It is amazing how happy such small pleasures can bring and will certainly get some serious use. While we were at it

Chinese food with zucchini “noodles”

Lorena bought a little device she uses to make long, spaghetti-like strings from zucchini. It is amazing. Last night she made Kung Pao chicken with the noodles so I had a low calorie Chinese dish that tasted just as good as the real thing. I think I could get into a very good rut, eating this kind of Chinese every night for the next long, long time.

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