I am stuck. Over the last week and a half, I have either stayed at the same place or actually even gained weight. I talked to the Physician’s Assistant at my annual checkup last week about it. She said that after losing this weight over an extended period my metabolism has slowed down and I am going to have to change things up to keep going down. She also said (and this was my original plan) that I have about twenty pounds to go. I have been averaging a good chunk under 700 calories per day for several months now so I really do not want to reduce the amount I eat any more. I think what I would like to do is actually increase my caloric intake up to 900-1000 calories and start exercising more. There are so many things on which I want to work that I use the idea that I don’t have enough time to get to the gym, but that is completely bogus. I have identified a program that looks like it might work for me and purchased the (e)book. We will see what happens.
I recommend reducing total input and increasing total output. The physics of this approach works in your favor.
Yes. Of course that is true, but the real problem is that the required output to overcome the input is a moving target because of reduction in metabolism. When I spent an hour a day on a rowing machine for three years and lifted weights after that (not even close to the much longer and more rigorous workouts of my misspent youth), this was never a problem. Even now output is not a problem. Knowing how much output given the available amount of hours is the issue. I am getting plenty enough exercise for general health and maintenance of bone density already, so how much more do I want to put in for just weight loss. I will probably just reduce the input.
*Just because I am not going to the gym does not mean I am doing NO exercise (although I sometimes maintain that to be my reality)–it is a relative thing.
Ha! Your problem is obvious. You are obviously suffering from photosynthesis. As long as you are ingesting oxygen and water, you are gaining weight. Since you live in the Northwest, sunlight is a very small part of the problem.
Let me repeat myself. As inputs approach zero and outputs approach infinity you will succeed. That means absolutely no sunlight, no oxygen, and no water.
Finally, you must increase your output to at least four triathlons per week. It is also recommended that you complete your triathlons during the hours of total darkness.
Take from someone a few years younger, there’s no other way!
Ok. I think I get what I am doing wrong. Some of this is going to be a little tough though, I cannot imagine that backing off from six triathlons per week to only four will help me lose weight. That being said, that oxygen and water theory just might do the trick.
Ooops, I meant to type “respirosythesis” and not “photosynthesis” …