The last of the upgrades for the house beside the need roof and the outside paint. The flooring on the left goes on the master bedroom and the engineered product on the right goes on the top floor. We like it a lot. What we did not know was that the wood needs to sit in the house for a week or so to “acclimate” so it installs better. That means the installation will not start for another week or two. We c
annot wait to get started.
The delivery guy, a nice kid named Austin, drove through Portland traffic from Salem, Oregon to bring it to us. He will be helping Jamal with the installation when the wood is ready. Lorena continues to paint upstairs and just has a few items left to touch up. It will be nice to not have the house in upheaval for awhile. The next pass will have to wait for better weather.
We have decided to wait a year or so before we turn the bottom floor into an apartment. We have decided to try to add a fireplace in the living room after we let our resources recover a little bit more.