We got a package in the mail the other day. It was a new skirt from Kelly for Lorena’s birthday. She wore it on Sunday to church. It is beautiful and we were thankful for both a beautiful skirt and a thoughtful daughter. Lorena has been running like crazy, but now has our apartment under control. We can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel now and hope to be settled into a long term home within the next few months. We have had a wrench thrown into our plans at this stage, several times, so we are not holding our breath. Still we have hope.
No sooner had I put this up than these flowers arrived from Kelly and Christian as an “apartment” warming gift for Lorena. Wow. Maybe I am doing something wrong. Why aren’t they for me?
Lorena is a beautiful woman with a beautiful spirit! And I am just so inspired by both of your kids. You may not always get flowers, but you have done a wonderful job leading your family. I mean that. Much respect for that! Happy Birthday to Lorena!
Thank you so much Lynn! We hope you are well. Still enjoy your blog. We are sad our kids are gone–still getting used to it, but that me be ameliorated some day if we get grand kids and the flowers help a lot!
Thank you, Ken! I am doing fine. A lot going on. In school for coding, which I am not broadcasting from the blog until I figure out if my 50-something brain can handle it! Want to keep myself marketable until I am 65, which is gaining on me! Seems like retirement is coming into view, and I am just amazed to even consider that! I enjoy my grandkids, but (and it’s a good thing) Joe and Lori are so family oriented and self-sufficient, I feel like I hardly see them. Life is just busy for everyone I guess! Lynn
I code for a living and absolutely love it. I hope they never make me quit. Still, at 65, it would be nice to do it when I want to instead of because I have to. Good luck with all that!
I am just thinking, maybe I should have clarified medical coding. You are such a brain! I bet you do computer coding of some sort? I love working with medical documents. I have done QA and editing and transcription for years, but with EPIC, I need more skills to stay on top of things. I am hoping to work into inpatient coding of medical charts! I wish I had the knowledge and experience to do what you do!
Hahaha! It is true. That is what I do. I am familiar with EPIC because I work on medical stuff. I actually do the math for the cameras that are the eyes of robots, but I am not so smart, just an old programmer! The kind of coding your are talking about takes a lot of skill, too. It is a fine profession.