Last night was the last scheduled Wednesday night Bible study we will have at our little apartment here in Lewisville. We had it there biweekly, but because we are moving at the end of the month and have the funeral to attend later in the month, it will move to another home for the next time when it would have been with us. It was a great privilege to meet with this little group, we enjoyed it immensely and will miss it very much. The beautiful flowers by the window were kindly sent by the other members of the meeting in condolences for Grandpa Milo and were very much appreciated.
Note to the person who sent the very unhelpful and graceless comment to this blog after Grandpa Milo’s death: Grandpa Milo, Grandma Sarah and all our little family believe now and have always believed that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone and not by works. That is the common belief in our fellowship and what has always been preached in our hearing.
Our thoughts have been with you – so much will change now as you get used to your parents being gone and moving to a new area. We hope you feel comfort from God through out it all. If you are coming through Centralia we would love to meet you – send an email and I’ll give you our phone number.
(I had this all written but where did it disappear to? Maybe this will be another copy?). Ken – in behalf of the Brownlee family, we just wanted you to know that our thoughts have often gone your direction since the passing of your dear mom and dad, my mom especially “feeling” it. Your dear dad called my mom two or three times to let her know that your mom was gone……my folks often saw them when they came to Panorama to see Bellams so my folks claimed your folks as their special friends, too! I think my dad put together every doll house kit their company made, some of which we have stored for our granddaughters!
Rod and I spent a night at your folks many years ago and I asked your dad why he picked your mom over her twin sister and he said because you mom “was available” and her sister wasn’t!
Be assured, Ken, the memory of your folks is might special to my mom these days and she would be at their service if she could……..HOWEVER, at 101 years of age, “we” aren’t too spry to be going ANYwhere, but we are thankful her mind is still clear enough to chat about your dear, dear parents. And, we know they were special, special friends to Uncle Harry……..and, so, life moves on. Rod & Kathy Nelson
Rod and Kathy,
Thank you for this wonderful note. I popped a note to your email.
Ken, my heart sank when I learned of your dads passing. Then….I learned just a few days ago that your mom had passed too. What a shock!! I sat & cried!! My new husband, Dale, & I went to visit them last Fall & had a good visit. My mind did some quick flashbacks as I remembered Milo & Del working together in the manufacturing business. Milo’s mind was always working, thinking of the next machine he wanted Del to design & build. I remember all the teasing Milo & Del did to each other. They had a lot of fun together. Sarah & I went to lunch &/or coffee together a lot & really enjoyed each others company. I remember the walks we took up Dopp Rd in Newberg & we did a lot of “woman talk.”Milo called me several times after Del died to tell me how very much he missed Del. Del told me one day, after he got cancer & knew he wasn’t going to live much longer, “You know, Milo is my BEST friend.” I told your dad that several times as I wanted him to know how very much he meant to Del. I’m sure the first thing Milo said to Del when he got to Heaven was, “Del, let’s talk about the next machine I want you to build.” Your parents are going to be missed very, very much. A good long time friend, Alice