Mom (Grandma Sarah) died last night. She was with Aunts Julia and Jean, Uncle Doug and two of her grandchildren, Amy and Charlie. I flew out from Texas to Seattle last weekend and was able to drive down to Portland on Saturday with Kelly to say goodbye in person. She recognized us and was able to say one or two words and squeeze our hand to answer questions while we were there. Kelly and I took turns reading the Bible to her, Psalm 23, Matthew 5-7 and the three epistles of John. Then we sang some hymns with the help of Grandpa Milo. Grandma Sarah, Kelly and I held hands and we each prayed for her. After that, she lost focus so we kissed her and said goodbye. We knew it would be the last time and were very thankful we had the chance to tell her we loved her and say goodbye.
Mom was a faithful woman who always looked out for “the least of these.” She had a great love for Jesus and He was what her life was about. It was sad to see her go, but she is in a better place.
Ken and family – Thinking of and praying for all of you.
Your mother was a wonderful person, and I am so thankful that your generous friendship gave us the opportunity to meet her. Please accept our deepest condolences. We’re thinking of you all.
Thank you so much Gene! Still waiting for the chance to take you and your lovely bride to dinner one of these days. I hope we are in the same state at the same time some time in this lifetime.
Thank you for your kind thoughts Andrew. If I remember correctly, I think you met the folks at this time of year several years back. They certainly remembered you and Sara very, very well.
Queridos Ken, Lorena y familia, fue un gran privilegio haber tenido la oportunidad de conocer a Sarah, muy hermosa por dentro y por fuera. Le recordaremos simepre con la sonrisa en su rostro que nos transmitía gentileza, dulzura y mucha paz. Ella vivirá siempre en nuestro recuerdo y corazón. Reciban ustedes, y por favor transmitan de nuestra parte a toda la familia, un fuerte abrazo pidiendo a Dios les acompañe. Lauro, Dayana y familia.
Muchas Gracias Lauro. Hemos estado pensando en ustedes y sabemos muy bien que han pasado tal época en tu propia familia. Estamos super agradecidos que ustedes siguen a Dios porque en esos tiempos es la única cosa que da consuelo. Apreciamos mucho tus atenciones y el amor que han enseñado a nuestra familia.