We found out today that Lorena made it past the waitlist and is now enrolled into two online classes at Clackamas Community College. She only has a few classes left and this was the best way to get her to her degree. It is a challenge because one of the classes is Statistics, a pretty hard class. I actually use statistics on a daily basis at my day job, but her best hope for good help is with Kelly (BS Statistics) and Christian (BS Applied Mathematics). We are very excited for Lorena and hope she can finish either this Spring or next Fall. After (in October) 24 years of marriage, I still relish the thought that we are paying for education. I hope it never ends.
That’s wonderful! So happy for her. Too bad should couldn’t have CLEP tested out of that Stats class, lol!
Exactly! This degree has been a 24 year project (so far). It is hard to raise kids and go to school at the same time. Thanks Nita.