Lorena and I are now, officially and with no caveats, the parents of adult children. We have pretty much been that for a couple of years now at least as the kids have been out of the house and on their own since they finished their undergraduate degrees, but it took us a couple of years to realize it all an now they are both adults with all the rights the law bestows and responsibilities the law demands. It seems like things are different now in a good buy melancholic way.
We are grateful Christian flew out to see us. We had a great time with him. He did not have to do it–there was a lot going on with friends in Arizona and Oregon the he missed to be here. We did some of the stuff we did when he was a little kid–went to the zoo and a museum–and a had a great time. It is fun to be at those kind of venues (although, it still seems creepy that they stuffed Trigger and have him on display), the best part being the chance to visit along the way.
Then, last night, we took him out to dinner and today he will be on his way home. His home. That is a good thing.
They stuffed Trigger?
I hope Roy isn’t stuffed…
Is that really Happy Trails for Trigger?
Boy they grew into gorgeous kiddos! Now adults. How has it been to not have to be hands on any longer? My 19 yr old and 21 yr old working graduates are now living with us in Hawaii since it’s so expensive here and both are saving for a car, putting tons of their money in their 401K and paying off their student loans (which isn’t much) while attending grad school (my 19 yr old is, her brother is tired of school and decided he’d start his own business and self teach anything else he needs to know.)
Wow Nita! You guys are awesome. It is amazing how close your priorities seem to be to our own. Right now I am hammering away at them on that 401k thing. No excuse not to start young. That starting your own business thing is great, too. It is interesting what you said about your 19 year old. I am hearing that same thing from our youngest–that his classes now just get in the way of learning and after he gets his degree he will self teach and talk to people who know for stuff he wants to learn.