…because we do not want to be associated with some others who are tacky, but believe that same right thing? The following quote from a talk by a conservative given at a left-wing Christian conference on social justice comes from this article. First he acknowledged that there are Christians who do not consider the needs of those in prison, refugees and the other “least of these.” He noted some [Christians] are…
…afraid to speak up on a biblical view of issues of human sexuality because they’re afraid that somehow that means they will be associated with people in polyester somewhere that they don’t want to be like. How cowardly.
I think the sentiment is spot on and does not only apply to human sexuality, but to many of other issues. It cuts both ways, too. Is it hard for us to stand up for something that is right when a social justice warrior advocates who is hateful in so many other aspects of their activism advocates for that same right thing?
Our biblical view should be spoken, but in a way that is pleasing to God and the time which is pleasing to Him. Sometimes we need to speak loudly, sometimes we need to show love and compassion – realizing that our biblical laws are no longer the ‘law of the land’. It’s unfortunate, but biblical beliefs are starting to separate from the laws in our government, schools and environment. When I define marriage, I can no longer use the ‘law’ to back me up. Now it’s about my beliefs since it is no longer the belief of the majority.
I am right there with you Nita. This is a conversation that has been going on in our household for quite awhile now. Following the two greatest commandments has to be the rule of the day for Christians, but sometimes I forget that sometimes the loving thing to do is not what appears nice to society.