My hard work paid off this weekend. I am working with my long-time friend and colleague, Frank, to develop some EKG software for our $27 EKG’s. Actually, the EKG part has gone up now to $51 and the Arduino needed to run it costs another $20. At any rate, the software shown here accommodates six channels (even though that has not yet been tested because I only have one channel). It needs some cleanup, but it works great.
Impressive! Who’s going to be using this? Can this also be run as a phone app?
@Nita — Actually, that is a great idea. There is no reason this could not run on a cell phone. We are not sure yet what we will do. This is part of a bigger thing we are doing for a clinical test of some other stuff. The thing is, I bet some people would use it if we open sourced the code. The current application people have to use to this hardware is dead and Windows only, so there is probably room for a good open source solution and if it could run on a cell phone, so much the better. Thanks for that idea!