Kelly and I are kindred spirits in that we regularly get accused of being overly enthusiastic. We talked on the phone about this very subject today. Overly enthusiastic. That is an oxymoron. One of the few really good things that came out of the 1960’s was the expression, “don’t harsh my mellow.” Precisely right. The bane to our existence are those who chose to curb their enthusiasm in a spirit deadening effort be cool, “in the know” or somehow superior to those who engaged in passionate behavior.
Those lukewarm souls who choose to act nonplussed about all things social are not only boring, but could very well be guilty of the attitude for which the Laodiceans were admonished in Revelation 3:14-17. Do not be lukewarm. Be passionate. Love life. Do not be relegated to that category of people who slouch through life throwing wet blankets on all joy.
Stick to your guns Kelly. Be enthusiastic. Be overly enthusiastic. The gnostics of buzzkill in no way have special knowledge about those things you know that animate your enthusiasm.
Betty Blonde #390 – 01/13/2010
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Kelly – I agree completely with your dad on this. It might surprise you, but you were the topic of several conversations we had last weekend.
Don’t let the dullards drag you down, dear. You are a very special young lady, mostly because of the essential enthusiasm you have. Essential in the sense of being part of the essence of your character. Without that smile, that sparkle in your beautiful eyes, that enthusiasm, that zest for life, the Kelly that is so precious to this old uncle would disappear, which would be a great tragedy to me.
I really missed seeing you and Christian when I was at your folks. This is the first time I have been to visit since the two of you left home. Can a surrogate uncle suffer from empty nest syndrome? I had a wonderful time, as I always do with your folks, but my mellow was somewhat harshed by your absence.
Oh yes – I meant to comment on the picture….just 3.5 days ago I was sitting in approximately the same spot, having the same appetizer plate.
I hope Seattle is treating you well – when can we sit down over coffee to discuss, and hopefully debate, the finer points of coffee?