Raleigh June 8, 2014 – I write this from the RDU airport as Kelly, Christian, and I wait to get on a plane to join Lorena in Mexico. Lorena’s dad, Grandpa Lauro is in a grave condition to which there might not be a good outcome. We have someone at the house while we are gone, my boss said to take whatever time I need, and we have many people praying and communicating their concern to us. We are very thankful for our family, friends, and colleagues.
Raleigh June 8, 2014 – We are in Mexico now. An incredible number of people were at the hospital in Monterrey in support of Grandpa Lauro. We were there maybe six hours and there were always at least twenty or thirty in attendance–not in the room with Lauro because his condition is so bad, but in the waiting room. There were at least a hundred different people who came and visited and left. There were many others who had come in the four or five days before we got there. Some of the same ones come every day. This in amazing credit to Lauro’s community–I have never seen anything quite like it. We feel truly honored to be a member of this community. We still do not know whether Lauro will make it, but we continue to pray for him. All your prayers are greatly appreciated.
Betty Blonde #126 – 01/08/2009
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Dear Ken, Lorena and kids,
I am so sorry that Dear Papa is such a critical condition. Glad you all can there with him and Mama and the rest of the family. The support will mean so much to them. We will be constant in remembering Lauro in prayers as well as you all who are standing by.
Love and Care,
Jim and JoAnn
We very much appreciate your support, too, Jim and JoAnn. It is amazing this family we have and events like this make us so much more grateful.
My thoughts are sure with you all, with wonderful memories also of the Pedraza clan. Mis saludos afectuosos a todos ellos, por favor. Dios está reinando y en control de todo.
Thanks Jon. I will pass this along. It is really and amazing privilege to be hear and participate in this.
Thank you so much Luke. This counts for more than anything else.