"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

It is wrong to put ketchup on hot dogs

Day 935 of 1000

This came from this very cogent article and I believe it is all true.

Betty Blonde #85 – 11/12/2008
Betty Blonde #85
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  1. Trisha

    I am beginning to doubt our familial relationship! Ketchup isn’t a condiment it is virtually a side dish. I’m shocked and appalled by your anti-ketchup stance! The proper authorities will be notified. (proper authorities a.k.a Merle)

  2. Mark

    Wow! Grandma and Grandpa Chapman have standing up in their graves. They drove from Baker Bay to Creswell to buy hotdogs, at a corner meat market. Where they made the hotdogs. They came Attached end to end. Not in packages. The best hotdogs this side of the Rockies. And guess what was front and center on the table. And in multiple bottles. Ketchup. As far as Dirty Harry is concerned. He would not make it 5 seconds in any category where Grandma Chapman is concerned. If you want to pursue this lack of Ketchup way of life. You will need to talk Merle. If you dare. He will Set you straight on the ways of ketchup. And the history. Which runs very deep.

    You feeling lucky?

  3. Trisha

    Thank you Uncle Mark for sharing the family history of this exemplary condiment. I always heard the Great’s had exceptional standards in cuisine especially that of the cinnamon roll variety. I sure feel their disappointment casting a shadow over the land… sigh

  4. Dad

    I know that Grandma Chapman was a saint, but only Jesus was perfect. This was probably the thorn in her side, not unlike the apostle Paul. I only hope she did not lead too many people astray. It saddens me that some in our family uses ketchup on their hot dogs while the only true way is to reserve hot dogs with only mustard, relish, and onions (coney islands are a completely different deal). Just an observation that the people here who are arguing for ketchup on hot dogs are mostly well known Duck fans which is even WORSE sacrilege!!!

  5. Mark

    Yes Trisha, Cinnamon rolls, nothing can compare. Just a brief response to the one against Ketchup. One needs to look at the use of onions. I differ to the legend on that. In our family we had know idea about such things as mustard, relish, onions. Sometimes Ketchup was the only thing on the table with the hotdogs. Hotdog buns were not always present. The legend will actually makes a from of hot dogs out of the Ducks he slays. Also very good. As being a Duck fan of Eugene Oregon Ducks. and also Duck A Commander. We will hopefully come to some reconciliation I fear that the damage will never be undone for the Legend. I hear that he is eating lots of Ketchup and hot dogs.

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