We have had two barstools in the kitchen that featured seats with torn fabric that moved around because they had worked their way free from the frame. She fixed all that yesterday and today. She is a born fixer-upper. We plan to get her a house on which to ply her skills when we move out West, hopefully this spring or summer.
Nicole Picard
Hello Lorena…
I was thinking about you so hard today; that I try to make a recherch to find you…
I’am so happy I finded you…!!!
The years had pass so quick; since the last time we met in the restaurant
in Florida. It was our last visit…
I would like to say that I never forget about your kindness and the good spirit
that you have both of you…
There are some peoples that we can’t forget in life like «you and Ken…»
We are in Québec city since we moved from Fl.
I will be so happy to receive news from You…(my english did not progress much)
with love from: Nicole Picard