We love Monterrey. Lorena’s brother, Jorge, sent a link to this great video about that beautiful city. It is really even better than this video shows. Except the cheesy Yoga thing.
We love Monterrey. Lorena’s brother, Jorge, sent a link to this great video about that beautiful city. It is really even better than this video shows. Except the cheesy Yoga thing.
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Very classy!
I will have to say, Ken, the yoga didn’t bother me nearly as much as the girl scouts goose-stepping at 1:22 … Way more sinister.
I just think you are ultra-sensitive because of where you did your college exchange study! I think that is the way our soldier will be marching before long if our fearless leader ever quits blocking the government from getting funded.
Ahhh!! Me encanta mi ciudad!!! (I LOVE MY CITY) La mejor!! (THE BEST) ~ Lorena