Day 167 of 1000
We have subscribed to World Magazine for over 15 years. We liked it so much, for awhile, Kelly decided she wanted to be journalist. That passed, but we are still very big fans of the magazine. The main reason we are such big fans is because Marvin Olasky is the Editor in Chief and a great writer. I think the reason we like him so much is because of his humility. He wrote and article in the latest issue of World about some events where he truly worked for good over a decade ago. The thing that is strinking about the article is that Olasky realizes he might have been more effective if he had not been so confrontational in what he did and collegial in his efforts to engage with the other people involved.
It really made me want to be a better person through more humility and kindliness. It is not even about being right. It is about doing things according to God’s will. I am very thankful I had parents who would let me slide a little if I was doing things with the right attitude, but hammered me hard, even if I was getting stuff right, but with a bad attitude. Olasky manages to descirbe that exact concept and how he has succeeded and failed at it in a way that makes one want to improve. We will be up for renewal in October. Of course, we will do the max allowed.
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