Now that we found out NCSU is going to make dramatic tuition increases, Christian has decided he is going to make do with the equipment he had. RWDub’s Reviews will be quite happy to know he uses Linux Mint on a USB stick to run the computer and persist his data between boots. There is no money even for a hard drive. It is good thing we had that old cardboard box from when we could afford to buy stuff from Amazon. We are going to have dig up a mouse somewhere, too.
Looks like dad has two computers maybe you could borrow one…
Ah… I think he should suffer a little. I reminded him that I WALKED to school 10 miles every day in the snow and it was up hill both ways and I had shoe boxes for shoes…
I WENT to the same high school as you.
It was only 1 mile to school, and you NEVER walked.
It never snows in Newberg, and the only Hill’s around, you dated!
Ok… you are right about the cardboard shoes.