Christian takes very cool note in his Physics and Calculus classes. He invented his own font (with serif) and is good at illustrating complex things. Here is an example:
Christian takes very cool note in his Physics and Calculus classes. He invented his own font (with serif) and is good at illustrating complex things. Here is an example:
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Very cool. When he first invented this and posted it on NerdHow, I thought it was clever….but I never thought he would use it for anything functional! Anyway, I love going through the girls’ physics notes and homework and the clever little pics and diagrams they draw to help sort out the set up of the problem. I also know what you mean about not using their texts (earlier post). They don’t use their physics books for anything other than to get their homework problems. They barely even use the text for reference or read the thing. I think…why spend all that money just for the homework problems? They assure me ~ and it is proven through their grades ~ that they don’t need the text except on a rare occasion. The lecture notes are all they need. I think the book is full of all sorts of wonderful examples and I also think the explanations are very good. Hard to convince them otherwise.
There are WAY better options for learning all this stuff than what was available to my generation. The whole textbook thing is something we go around about in our household. You are right, the books are VERY expensive and it seems like they should either be used or eliminated.