After a long and relaxing Christmas holiday, Kelly and Christian start back to school today. We got maybe ten percent of the stuff we planned done over the holidays. That is a good thing. We DID spend a bunch of time cooking, working out (semi-regularly), talking about life, and just hanging out. I think we all needed that. Over the last couple of days we spent the last significant chunk of money for school on this semester’s books and a new laptop for Kelly. Her netbook died on us. Her only criteria was that her new computer had to be pink. Amazingly, our SysAdmin (Christian) was able to find a refurbished computer at Dell with all the features she REALLY needs with the added benefit that it is pink. We bought our books from Amazon and saved a bundle. Pretty impressive actually. We got hardcover texts less expensively than it would have cost us to buy the electronic versions.
Both the kids have significantly heavier loads this semester. Kelly has a 16 credit load with both Calculus II and Statistics. Christian has 17 credits. They have one class each on Mondays and Wednesdays, so they are loaded up from dawn ’til dark on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Christian has a three-hour night class on Tuesday evenings. We drove to Target yesterday afternoon to buy new folders, notebooks, and pens for all their classes. It is amazing how this remains exciting, even after many years. I envy them a little.
i agree. there’s still nothing like a #2 lead pencil.
okay, I am just going to have to start posting myself on this almost dead blog!!!! I am back to working 1/2 time…very challenging when I try to keep up with what the kids are doing. They are certainly growing in responsibility. Mattisse is taking Spanish at the college. She took chemistry and her second semester of voice last semester. Ems turns 20 tomorrow. ho hum…not as funa s reading your posts!
Alright, Ruthie I will take you up on that challenge to keep this blog going! At least for right now, lol. Busy with school, driving the older one to school, ballet etc. Busy with school, driving the other one to band, art, etc. Perhaps this will spur the blog owners to write a post.
I am SUCH a loser!!! Thinks for giving me a kick! Kelly and I had a long talk this weekend and we are getting our act back together. I will get going again TOMORROW! I will not use the excuse that I started a new job and was getting killed, nor will I make the excuse that I have been working really hard on my volunteer project at NCSU. It sounds like you all have some GREAT things going on. I think I have been in a little bit of a post-homeschool depression. Nevertheless, it is GREAT to know there are a few people still looking in! Thanks for the comments guys!
Thanks Ruthie!!