Lorena lost a part of a fillings in one of her teeth just before the holidays started last month. She set up an appointment for January 3. We have a good level of confidence in all three dentists at the dental practice we visit, so when she drew the oldest dentist (and probably the guy who started the practice decades ago) she thought it was great.
He looked in her mouth and said, “Well, you didn’t lose the entire filling. I can fix this much faster with none of the numbness if we don’t use anesthetic.”
Lorena thought that was fine idea, but about halfway through the repair, after an number of “stop it hurts” events, she decided it hurt pretty bad and asked for some anesthetic. The dentist told her it was too late know–he was halfway done. So Lorena toughed it out. At that point (or a LOT sooner), I would have been screaming bloody murder and demanding something to kill the pain.
The amazing part of the whole deal is the, if she had to do it over again, she would do the same thing. She hates that numbness on half of her face for the rest of the day.
What a woman!