We had our normal Saturday morning breakfast at McDonald’s then came home to hit the books. The kids are preparing for their Calculus and Biology tests. I will work on the GaugeCam project. A couple of weeks ago, I was at McDonald’s trying to figure out what I could eat for breakfast that would not kill my calorie count. I love the calorie count thing. It fits into the way I do my workouts–with exhaustive data gathering. It is not for everyone, but it works for me.*
Kelly said, “Why don’t you have an Egg McMuffin?”
I said, “I can’t afford the calories.”
She said, “It only has 300 calories.”
She was right! I am now a BIG Egg McMuffin fan (again). It has returned to its proper place on my Saturday morning menu.
We have great discussions on Saturday mornings at McDonald’s. We are negotiating through career ideas. Kelly is fairly well set up to get a double degree because she passed so many CLEP tests. We talked about that some this morning then got on the internet and found a potential second degree that goes well with her current major, Math with a Statistics concentration. Math and Statistics are required as part of a Political Science BA/BS at University of Idaho. I need to make a call there to figure out what classes she needs to take at the community college to assure she can graduate on time, but it seems like a particularly good option. The especially good part about a degree from University of Idaho is that we have friends close by who can give the kids tips both on Math and PE, plus they have really cute kids!!
*Note: I know, I know, I should have the weight loss death match chart up and running. I am WAY behind on that and it flies in the face of the exhaustive data gathering thing. I am especially chagrined when it comes to fellow exhaustive data gatherer, Lyle. I will put it up SOON!
Oh yes! Come our way Kelly! My brother and his wife live in the Pullman/Moscow field. They’re expecting their first cutie pie in Feb.
Kelly will comment later, but I had to mention that when she saw this, she said, “Math help, PE help, AND potential babysitting gigs!!!