Christian has been taking classical guitar lessons now for about a year and a half. He played us a tune to celebrate his 15th birthday. Even though a lot of people have already seen it on Facebook, I am posting it here so people like Grandpa Milo and Grandma Sarah could take a look.
Christian plays “Here Comes the Sun”
i love it I love it, I want some more of it….super job Christian! and thanks for sharing:)
Excellent! (tg) How did you mic this?
Thanks for sending us you guitar video! We were “blown away”. Excelente!! So happy you are continuing with your lessons. Please send us any others that you make. With love and appreciation, your Chapman grandparents.
Thank you all! I will show this to Christian when he gets home. Youngin, we took it with our new camera in our big empty room (so that it would sound cool) with the kids Nikon D90. The ONLY thing wrong with the D90 is that it does not have a mic jack. We are working on a remedy for videos that need a mic, but our video camera (of all things) does not have a remote mic either. It stinks. We are thinking of donating it to our unknowing brother-in-law and getting a new video camera.
Christian that is awesome. Learning the guitar or any other music is a lifetime gift from your parents. You will find it relaxing.
Now I can’t wait for the next one to include they lyrics!