Friday was my last day of work at Centice. It was one of my best work experiences ever. The people there are absolutely stellar people in every way. Their technology portfolio is formidable. I am looking forward to what I am confident will be life-long relationships with our tight-knit crew there. All the best to all of you. Your future is bright.
In the mean time, I have taken a new position at a company named Bioptigen. Bioptigen makes Optical Coherence Tomography retina imaging devices. I was pretty embarrassed to have to be corrected by my friend (and boss for three years at Centice) about the name of the new technology that will occupy my waking hours for the foreseeable future. Thank you Prasant. I will work on the images accumulated by these devices. It is bleeding edge technology in a very exciting application arena to which I believe I have something important to offer. And this all helps the doctors do their jobs better. We will see.
Kelly and Christian will be both starting their full-time college careers on Monday morning at Wake Tech Community College. Their first (and only) class together this fall is Differential Calculus. Kelly should be talking about that in her blog over at Betty Blonde. Kelly will also take Biology II, American Literature I, and Beginning Volleyball for a total of twelve hours. Christian’s classes include the Calculus, Biology I, Western Civilization I, and Beginning Golf. We are all very excited.
As for blogging, I am now ready to fire things back up while I am thinking about new directions for the blog in addition to our new job and educational directions. Kelly will be doing her blogging over at Betty Blonde now as she and Christian spin up their efforts for the new phase of that comic strip!
I love the new look! Everything sounds exciting. We are excited to start a new school year here. Enjoy!
Thanks Lynn. We are hoping to get back to normal a little bit. We are looking forward to seeing the new school year unwind on A Mother’s Journal! You have an amazing new look over there, too.