I turned 16!!
I went to the mall and got a pretty dress. I talked with my family from Mexico and Oregon! I met the Chick-fil-a cow. I decided to have raspberry-blackberry pie instead of cake, because really, when you can have pie, why would you want cake? I also baked a dark chocolate cake (from scratch!) last night, because even though pie is better than cake, cake is still a birthday classic. The first layer kinda crumbled, but Christian and I fixed that with a LOT of dark chocolate frosting. In a few days we’re going to Texas which is awesome, because everything’s bigger in Texas and I’m assuming that includes birthdays.
Mom also made vegetarian pizza. I don’t… dislike vegetarianism quite as much as I used to. It was really, really, really good pizza.
On a related note, all that pie and cake and pizza (even vegetarian pizza) adds up to a lot of calories. But that’s OK because, other than the fact that I have a high metabolism, I’m totally motivated to start training for a triathlon now!! Dad got us a book on training for a triathlon the other day. It looks so fun! And pretty doable!! I really want to go for it
Youngin & Troy
I agree with the pie/cake comment. (tg)
As do I. I wish I would have though of this about 50 birthdays ago.
Sorry I am late with birthday wishes. Sounds like the day went well.
Happy Birthday, Kelly.
Thank you Lyle and Mrs. Graham!!
Kelly. Step away from the triathalon. It’s not natural. I’m just sayin.
Happy Birthday! I agree with you about cake and pie. Actually I like cheesecake, slightly frozen, peanut butter chocolate.
Mini triathalons are alot of fun. In my “before kiddos” days, I had participated in several. It feels great to accomplish something like this.
Just thinking about how chocolate frosting fixes SO many things.