Now that I am back in the loop (after my “day job” imposed blogging hiatus), I have started following my favorite blogs again. Luke over at Sonlight Blog had a particularly interesting post (soon to be a series it appears) on the process of making a video. Very, very cool! I think this could be something Kelly, Christian, and I should be watching. It could be a super help for some of the stuff Troy and I are doing at GaugeCam, too. When we make a video, we just start filming. I think that is probably just great for home movies–it works for us, but when it comes to making a video that tells a story or explains how to do something, it is abysmally deficient. I am going to run this by the kids tonight and maybe even turn this into a spring/summer homeschool learning project. We are looking forward to it Luke!
[smile] Yay!
I’m doing a little more in-depth/production-side analysis and such on my media blog if that’d be helpful as well:
Glad you enjoyed the post. And thanks for the link-love! [smile]